Wednesday 25 February 2009

While you are working....

Okay so I keep getting people talking to me about how I broke my arm punching a toilet. It's true, it did happen, and only about a year ago.

(I probably looked just like this.)

But it got me thinking, I shared a funny embarrassing story with you guys, I would love to hear one from you. So got a anecdote* or something you want to share (or maybe don't want to share) post a comment or a link to your blog so I can read about it!

I also just found out how to make a pole for you guys. Its just for fun, so give me your opinion.

So tell me about the time you broke your leg, or how you got that scar on your leg.

*Anecdote: a short interesting or amusing story. Told through the eyes of the person who experienced the event. Definition brought to you by the mind of the Dr. Professor.


  1. Hey Mike
    It's Jessica is E7B. When I was 2 I was in one of those boucing baby thingies and I got really bored, and I mean really, really, bored. So I somehow, (I don't remeber because you don't understand what you do till your 3) get to the stairs and I fall out, and I fell down the stairs and broke my arm.

  2. Hello Mike, your blog looks professional, and I guess it's awesome.
    I hope you continue blogging and get a lot of followers.. Im just about to follow your blog too

  3. hey mike well i have a kind of embarassing story. Well when i was little the babysitter made me take her garbage out into the garbage place or dumpind area, so i did the garbage bag gave me a HUMONGOUS scar and i still have it now on my leg.

  4. Hey Mike, When I was one year old I was upstairs sleeping and I woke up, so I wanted to try getting down the stairs by my self, so I did. I started rolling in a ball down the stairs and broke both of my arms and one of my legs, and i got a cast for both arms. I never even knew about this until my mom told me when I was about 8. Yeah that is my story, Its also similar to Jessica's embarrassing moment.

  5. Hello, Mike
    When I was around 7 years old, we were at a forest in my country, and there was this fish that I chased, and then I didn't notice a hill in front, and I started rolling down the hill and got cut everywhere. I was laughing when my brother told me the story! :D

  6. P.S., there were other people watching...


  7. Hey Mike~

    Two years ago, I was training with my brother at a Tennis court. I hit a ball all the way out, and my brother forced me to get it. :]

    I tried to jump over the net for the tennis court, but i slipped, and gave my self a GREAT BIG Scar and I still have it on my leg. I had to limp home. ;(

    I feel like telling two stories, so yea. :D

    When I was around 9 years old, I was in China playing with my awesome wooden slingshot. I was flinging rocks into the grass far away. ;D While I was looking for more rocks to fling, I noticed my brother started to laugh at me, and I realised I had a Nail with a Brick caught in my foot. (It went all the way through my foot) I had to get a Tetnis Shot. :'(

    I just realised most of my accidents happen on my legs. ^_^\\


  8. Dead people are watching me!:)

  9. hi mike
    my name is leila and i am in E7B o just to say i had nevr ever braken anything but that is a very cute chipmonk i think that is what it isbut cool post

  10. Hey Mike, it's Jack You know the movie, How The Grintch Stole Christmas, and how in that movie he eats a beer bottle and a lightbulb? Well I was little at that time(not to say I'm not little now) so I beleived everything you see in the movies is true. I went to see that movie with my mom and saw the Grintch eating the glass stuff. That night when I got home my parents put me to bed and I had a lamp with a BIG lightbulb in it, so I got out of bed, turned the lights on, turned the lamp off, unscrewed the bulb, and took a BIG BITE out of it. It hurt, I even ended up swollowing some of it. Then I started screaming and both my parents came up to check what was wrong, when I started spitting out blood and glass, my mom knew exactly what was wronrg but there was nothing she could do about.... well I thought so, then she ran downstairs, grabed my dad's dentists teeth pick and started using it on my throat to get the glass out. Pretty FUNNY huh?


  12. hi ike
    it leila and i hope you feel better

  13. HEY MIKEY-WIKEY!! It's Jack again, I have another story, but it's about CANADA DAY instead. OK, so I had a BUNCH of GLOWY STICKS after the Canada Day celebration and my parents, (Well my Dad because my parents were split up) let me play with them until I fell asleep. Then randomly I started chewing on some of the and then they broke open. After they opened up I went to the mirror in the washroom by my bedroom, AND MY MOUTH WAS ALL FULL OF THE GLOW GOO SO MY MOUTH WAS GLOWING. Then I called my Dad up saying, "DAD,DAD, COME HERE, MY MOUTH IS GLOWING", then he comes running up the stairs screaming," RINCE YOUR FLIPPING MOUTH OUT!!!". So I rinsed my mouth out about a hjundred thousand times until my Dad was satisfied. Then I went back to bed. NIGHTY-NIGHT MIKEY-WIKEY!!Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z!!!

  14. Hey Mike,
    There was this one time wheni was at my cottage in norway bay and this cottage isn't lake view which means i am on a street the street is all graval but anyway my cottage is that last one one the street and there is this big hill like practilly a clif at the very end. When i was about nine i cilmbed this clif because there was a legend that said that at the top of the hill there was a goast dog that would get you when you where up there along. Of course i didn't belive this but my cousins did so i went up along. when i got to the top i was kinda scared cause there was this little shake in the middle of the forest i was being real quiet intill out of no where this dog starts barking i got so scared i like jumped down the clif and hit almost every tree on the way down. I was cut from my head to my toe. I never can go back up that clif it's been 3 years and i am still terified.

