Wednesday 4 March 2009

First Mission Debriefing!

Prepare yourselves for action! Action of the highest calibre, HISTORY ACTION!

(High Five!!)

So it’s been about a week since my last post, and I would like to say…. The waiting has paid off! I am here (well, not really “here”. Probably like 30 feet from you when you are reading this) bringing you the most exciting excitement you have ever had the pleasure of experiencing!

Yes, you’re right, it is History Excitement. But enough talking about how much fun it’s going to be you probably want me to get on with it and just tell you….

But I won’t! I just keep talking about nothing. “Blah, Blah, Blah” that’s all he’s said. But you’d be wrong! I have said lots of things funny useless things yes, but there has been lots of this said. (Well….Not really said, typed to be literal.)

Assignment #9 The Diary of An Englishman,

Loyalist Click here!

Wednesday has brought you into the lab with history on the brain. I have given you a link (see above) taking you to a fantastic site talking about Loyalists.

But wait! Don’t go there yet! ‘Cause you don’t know what you are doing yet!

For this assignment Miss. Pollock and I want you to make a diary entry from either two perspectives: (If you are really creative and want to try something else, talk to one of us before hand so we can give you the GO signal to make sure it’s A-OK) Loyalist moving from America up to Canada and how that makes you feel, or a British Colonist in Canada and how you feel about having the loyalist Americans coming.

For a refresher lets talk some H-ry (awesome new short form for “History”, and yes, I think it will catch on!).

Who were the Loyalists??:

The Loyalists were people who traveled from Britain to North America, but remained Loyal to the Crown. Meaning they still paid taxes and shared the political views of the Queen even while away.

Why were they kicked out:

Sorry I am running out of time to make this post for your history class. We will talk in class but this is a good place to start researching before making your Diary Entries for Assignment #9!


  1. Ok, so this is Assignment #9???

  2. Ok Thankz sam for the next Assignment!!

  3. I cant think of how to start off.

  4. I am done my assignment 9 but no offense, it was not my favorite.

  5. firas why do you always make negative comments

  6. Mike can i do something else because Miss Pollock usallly sometimes let me do like space assignments like Canadian Astronauts or Canadian Astronaust Interview.

  7. I just want to ask when I write a letter instead of a diary, does the letter have to be as long as a diary should be.

    Please comment on my blog and give me the answser.
