Thursday 19 February 2009

Explosions and High Fives

I know what you're thinking. (Cause I'm a mind reader...) "Why is it called 'Violent Science'? Isn't this a history blog?!"

Well worry not adoring fans! It remains your ticket to the exciting world of Canadian History! (and no, that was not sarcasm.)

Okay, okay, allow me to explain a little bit.

First question: "Who are you and where have you come from?"

Answer: I am the legendary Dr. Professor Mr. Mike. But you may call me Dr. Professor. I originate from the far away land of Nepean High School. Under a mutual agreement between the rulers of that realm and the rulers of this one, which have granted me passage to engage in your classes. And yes Miss. Pollock is my Big Sis.

Second Question: "Why Violent Science?"

Answer: Because.

Third Question: "Explosions and High Fives?? What's the deal with that? That never happened in Canadian History."

Answer: Not yet... Mission accepted! *Runs from computer*


  1. Hi Dr. Professor i like your blog, but i think you should put a backround. In the second question i tkink u should answer it a bit better.

  2. nice blog mike :p im following your blog!!

  3. Hello, Dr. Professor Mr. Mike. Hope you get well soon. :D

  4. hi dr. mike we heard you are sick and you might come tommorrow, so i wish you feel better, so bye now.!!!
